Question:Can I use PDF-XChange Viewer or PDF-XChange Editor to add passwords to documents? Answer:Yes.PDF-XChange EditorDetails how to lock a document so that no one can make edits to is.More information on how to determine passwords and other security settings are available on the Document Properties page of the online PDF-XChange Editor manual, which is availablePDF-XChange Viewer:1.
Click File in the Menu Toolbar.2. Click Document Properties. The Document Properties dialog box will open.3. Click Security in the Categories section and then select Password Security in the Security Method dropdown menu:The Password Security dialog box will open:. Use the Compatibility menu to select the document security compatibility. Use the Components dropdown menu to determine that components of the document to be encrypted. Select the Require a password to open the document box to set a password for opening the document.
Pa Vei Textbook
Enter the password in the Document Open Password text box and confirm it in the text box below. Select the Require a password to change permissions box for the document to set a password for editing and printing the document. Enter the password in the Change Permissions Password text box and confirm it in the text box below. Use the dropdown menus in the lower section to select permitted printing and editing options.
Select/clear the options for textual elements as desired. Click OK to confirm and save changes.PDF-ToolsThe Protection Tools can be used to add passwords, digital signatures, timestamps and several other security measures to documents.
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