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Cheat Monster Rancher 2 Psxfin

Cheat Monster Rancher 2 Psxfin

BFAQ TITLE: Basic Guide To 'MONSTER RANCHER 2' Version: 1.0GAME INFO: Monster Rancher 2, US Version.Copyrighted by Tecmo in 1999.Genre - Monster Ranching SimulationFAQ WRITER: Nathan Prima Suwanto shinichi@sby.dnet.net.idDATE/TIME: 26 October 1999,-Note To Readers-This FAQ is best viewed on 1024 x 768 on Microsoft Word 97+. I'm sure mostpeople can support this resolution, if you can't then 800 x 600 is okay but youshould change the zoom from 100% to a lower zoom percent.

Also, do not forget toturn on the Automatic Word Wrapping. Many people complained to me because thetext was too lengthy, and then I found out it was because they don't have Wrapactivated.

Actually, I wrote every paragraph without using 'Enter' at all. So ifyou don't wrap it, a paragraph is just one long long line.FAQ Revision Informationver 1.0 - Initial release of FAQTable of Contents01. Starting The Game03. Raising A Monster In The Ranch- Stats Section- Training Your Monster04. List of Disc Stones05. I've been absent from writing FAQs for about a year or so, and now Ifinally decided to continue my work as a FAQ Writer. The last FAQ I worked onwas Quest For Glory V - Dragon Fire.

I finished up that FAQ until ver 2.1. Eventhough there's many people sending things (tips and tricks) to me, I just can'tmake another update.

A man have to know when to stop. Sorry for you people whohave been bothered by me because of this. Also, because I haven't written anyFAQ for a whole year, maybe I've lost my touch. So if there's any mistake,forgive me will ya people??I'm doing this because I haven't got anything to do in my school holiday. ButI'll try to write more if I have the time.

So you guys my fans, wait up. Fornow, let's just proceed to the Monster Rancher 2 FAQ, ok guys??-02.

Starting The Game-To start the game it's very easy. Find your copy of Monster Rancher 2. Open theCD Case, take the CD and put in on the CD tray. Turn on your PSX and voila ^^(hmmm.

I was just kidding). Anyway, once you have reached the main menu,press START and select NEW GAME (or LOAD GAME if you guys have played throughthe game).In the IMa (International Monsters association) Hall, you are going to sign upas a new trainer. Sign up your name and choose your gender. Then you'll be askedto answer 10 randomly chosen Trainer Type question.

Answer these questions basedon your personality because it will determine what type of trainer you are.You will be asked to wait a minute and then Coltia, a young female trainerassistant will come up. Coltia will assist you depending on the trainer typequestions you answered. Example: 'Taking risks is necessary' yes means thatColtia will wait until your monster become seriously injured until she will takeit to the hospital, if no then she will take it to hospital even if it's justhave a minor (scratch) injury.You will end up in the Town and you'll have to find a monster. Basically, thereare 2 ways you can get a monster. One, by getting it (for free) at the market.Two, by going to the shrine and reproduce it from Disc Stones (CDs) or Slates(Monster Rancher 1 Save Data).At this time in the market, you can get 3 types of monsters.

Zuum, Mocchi and aseasonal monster which changes every season, in this time the monster is Suezo.Remember that you can only grow one monster at a time so choose carefully. Afteryou got a monster, you got to name it carefully 'cause you can't change it lateron.In the shrine, you can get monsters from CDs I'll come into details later andfrom MR1 Save Datas. There are some rare monsters which you can only get fromCDs so if you have many CDs try them all (not only PSX CDs but also music, VCD,Sega CD, Dreamcast, Saturn, etc).After you're finished, you might want to go to the Lab. Here you can analyzeyour monster (but it's actually useless) to find out more about it. Or if youdone raising a monster and want to grow another, you can FREEZE (brr.) themonster here.

You must also freeze a monster if you want to use it for battleagainst your friends/CPU in 1P vs 2P mode.If you're finished hanging around the Town, go to the Ranch.-03. Raising A Monster In The Ranch-In the game system, a whole year is divided into 12 months and a month isdivided into 4 weeks. One game turn is exactly the same as one week.

A subreddit dedicated to the Monster Rancher franchise. Currently, it's got a heavy focus on resurrecting the Monster Rancher Battle Card game (MRBC), if that's your sort of thing. Rules.No sexually explicit content.Don't be a jerk.

(And remember: It's OK to not like things, but don't be a jerk about it.).Don't submit mobile links.Always source art and creations.Don't put spoilers in a post title. If your post has a spoiler, mark it as NSFW.How to hide Spoilers Darth Vader = 6th sense.(#spoiler)Related links:.(Not all cards are scanned / translated currently. Feel free to ping with any questions.). So, I got an itch to play monster rancher last weekend, and after tearing apart my house to find my copy.

I found the case. But no game was inside. I don't know where it went, but I continued searching, nad it's nowhere to be found.So today, I finally caved and downloaded an emulator so I could see if I could get it running - and lo! It works!Not only does it work, but I can use DVDs to generate monsters! DVDs didn't work on PS1, because the PS1 couldn't read DVDs. But my PC can read DVDs just fine, and if during the 'insert a CD' phase, I tell the emulator to read from MY dvd drive, it works!

I gt monsters! I got a Zuum/Monol from a movie about drag queens, it was great! (Who then promptly got named after one of the drag queens, hehe.)I spent 3 hours today hard-core nostalgia-ing and playing. I currently have a Tiger/Zuum at D rank.ANyone else had success playing a monster rancher rom?. Okay, here's my step-by-step directions. They are not complicated.

I was just thorough.Download and unzip.Download a PS1 BIOS. (google is your friend.).Put Bios file in Bios folder, use Config settings to tell the emulator that.Configure controller settings. You can use a keyboard, I had success with a logitech controller, AND a SNES controller. Yeah, that's right. Playing a PS1 game on a PC with a SNES controller. That's how I roll.Download a Monster Rancher ROM. But you have to be careful, some sites are shady.

Kode Cheat Monster Rancher 2 Psx

Cheat monster rancher 2 psxfin download

Don't use their downloaders.Unzip the game file, but the.cue and.bin in the ISO folder within the emulator.Configure the CD rom options - tell it to use your computer's CD rom.Put a CD or DVD in your CD drive.In the emulator, got to FILE Run ISO, and select your monster rancher. Use the.Cue file YAY!

(My god, the pixels!)(and screen tearing).WHen you get to the point where you can go to the shrine, do it!.When it says to remove the MOnster Rancher 2 disk and insert a CD, press escape. You should see the ePSXe window. Go to FILEChange Disk CDROM or ISO. If you use ISO, again, use the.cue files.

I downloaded a bunch of PS1 games to generate monster with. After a couple of seconds, it should automatically re-fullscreen your game and give you the 'reading the disk' dialogue. I find that if I changed to a CD rom, it takes the program a few more seconds to re-load my monster rancher.When it tells you to re-load the monster rancher disk, press escape again, go to FILEChange DiskISO and re-select your Monster Rancher. Again, it will re-load the game for you.PROFIT.Why do DVDs work? The PS1 didn't know DVDs were a thing, and thus, didn't know how to read them. But of course, our computers know how to read DVDs, so the game doesn't care. It just looks for a table of contents, and DVDs have those.HAVE FUN.