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Black Mesa For Mac

blishepkirsra1985 2020. 2. 10. 04:16
Black Mesa For MacBlack mesa mac os x download

38 Games Like Black Mesa for Mac. Prepare for an experience that you will find Nostalgic, exciting and fresh. Black Mesa is a re-envisioning of Valve Software's seminal game Half-Life. You will re-visit the inaugural role of Gordon Freeman and his memorable journey through the Black Mesa Research Facility. Sep 16, 2012 - Thanks to R. Hoffman, we now have a great guide for getting Black Mesa, the Half-Life mod, to run on your fruity computer. Follow the steps.

Sure, Half-Life may be nearly 15 years old, but that doesn't stop today from being a joyous day for fans of one of the greatest first-person shooters ever created. At long last, Half-Life is playable on the Mac — an OS X-compatible version was quietly released on Steam today. Sure, OS X wasn't even a platform when the game launched, but we're not completely surprised by this release given the love that Valve has given to the Mac over the last few years. While the game's Steam listing still lists it as Windows-only, we've just downloaded it and verified the game works just fine on the Mac. Half-Life might look a little dated after all these years (hence last year's ), but it's still a highly-enjoyable, landmark game — and since Valve has packed it in with nearly every Half-Life release over the years, chances are good you already have a license for it. If not, you can pick it up on Steam for $9.99. Via:.

Black Mesa Vending Machine
